Pokimane recently took a month-long break from social media but the reasons that she cited for the decision were shrugged off by most viewers. She revealed that since the coronavirus lockdown began, she hadn’t been able to do the things that she enjoyed as she did before. Pokimane added that it had been almost six years since she had last taken a break and was, therefore, feeling rather burned out.
Regardless, the internet did not really believe her, and most people thought that it was the recent controversies with Leafy and Keemstar that had led to the decision. When she returned a few days later only to post the following apology video, people were certain that their suspicions had been proven correct. Since then, Pokimane has returned to her break, although she did post on Twitter a couple of times.
Now, TheQuartering has had his say on the matter and tried to explain the real reason behind Pokimane's break from social media.
The real reason behind Pokimane's month-long break from social media, according to The Quartering
In the video, TheQuartering began by explaining exactly what a ‘simp’ is. He was rather displeased with the definition of some of the sources he checked. He explained that the simple definition of a ‘simp’ is a person who spends a lot of time or money doing excessive favours in the hopes of getting attention or ‘something more’ in return. Of course, like a lot of female streamers, Pokimane has always been accused of having too many ‘simp’ fans.
The YouTuber then talked about the recent Twitter trend in which people have proclaimed September to be ‘free of simps’. ‘No Simp September' is a Twitter trend that people had been getting into recently, and considering that the explicit aim of the movement is to discourage ‘simping’, TheQuartering was rather happy with it.

TheQuartering went on to read the ‘rules’ of the movement, which included a ban on tipping money to streamers. While there are quite a few rules that the ‘No Simp September' trend comes with, the YouTuber suggested that this was actually the real reason Pokimane had decided to quit the internet temporarily!
He said that as most of her fans who donate and subscribe are ‘simps’, she does not want to be on the internet if they aren’t. Of course, the video was made in jest, and he was only joking about the entire situation.