The much-anticipated sequel to Zoey 101, titled Zoey 102, is all set to premiere on Paramount+ on Thursday, July 27, 2023. The movie revolves around the titular character, Zoey Brooks, who's now in her 20s and is trying to figure out what she wants to do in life as she's arrived at a critical juncture.
Logan and Quinn, two of her friends, have decided to get married. At their wedding, Zoey meets Chase, her love interest, once again and the rest will unfold.
Here's a short description of the movie, as per Rotten Tomatoes:
''Over a decade after the iconic series ended, ZOEY 102 finds Zoey Brooks still trying to figure out life and love, this time in her 20s. Zoey and Chase did not end up in Hawaii that summer and haven’t heard from each other since. When close friends Quinn and Logan announce they’re getting married, Zoey and Chase find themselves in the wedding party.''
The film features Jamie Lynn Spears in the lead role, along with numerous others playing crucial supporting characters. Zoey 102 is directed by Nancy Hower, with the script written by Monica Sherer and Madeline Whitby.
Zoey 102 cast list: Jamie Lynn Spears and others to feature in the new sequel film
1) Jamie Lynn Spears as Zoey Brooks
Jamie Lynn Spears essays the lead role of Zoey Brooks, whose journey forms the core of the narrative. She's at the peak of her youth in the upcoming sequel, tackling romance, friendship, and her career, among other things.
Jamie Lynn Spears is an acclaimed actress who's appeared in quite a few popular movies and TV shows over the years such as Sweet Magnolias, Zoey 101, Crossroads, and many more.
2) Sean Flynn as Chase Matthews
Sean Flynn dons the role of Chase Matthews in Zoey 102. Chase is Zoey's lover whom she meets again at her friends' wedding in the new sequel flick. It'll be fascinating to see how their equation evolves over the course of the movie.
Sean Flynn has received high praise for his performance in the original series and is expected to deliver another memorable performance in the sequel. He has also appeared in Wuthering High, The Last of Robin Hood, and Hatfields and Mccoys: Bad Blood, among many more.
3) Christopher Massey as Michael Barret
Christopher Massey portrays the character of Michael Barret, Chase and Logan's closest friend and roommate, in Zoey 102. Michael encouraged Chase to confess his feelings for Zoey in the origial show. He is set to play a pivotal role in the sequel as well.
Christopher Massey has also made small appearances in City Girls, Switched at Birth, and That's So Raven.
Apart from Christopher Massey, Jamie Lynn Spears, and Sean Flynn, the movie also stars many others portraying crucial supporting roles like:
- Abby Wilde as Stacy Dillsen
- Matthew Underwood as Logan Reese
- Erin Sanders as Quinn Pensky
- Jack Salvatore Jr. as Mark Del Figgalo
Viewers can stream Zoey 102 on Paramount+ on Thursday, July 27, 2023.