Disney's upcoming show, Zombies: The Re-Animated Series is all set to air on the channel on Friday, July 21, 2023, at 8 pm ET, as per CinemaBlend. The animated short-form show is set in a school, named Seabrook High, wherein a group of friends struggle to get through the various difficulties pertaining to high school and studies.
It depicts their numerous adventures during their high school years, whilst also exploring their relationships, amongst other things. The series' voice cast features Meg Donnelly, who plays one of the major roles, along with numerous others portraying significant supporting characters. It is based on Disney's widely popular Zombies movie franchise.
ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series: Disney reveals show's first look
Disney put out the official first look for ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series on June 13, 2023. The clip shows the two lead actors, Meg Donnelly and Milo Manheim, talking about how excited they're about the show's premiere. Donnelly mentions that the show is about ''all the chaos that ensues, like, every single day in Seabrook.''
The video then depicts an image from the series featuring the main Seabrook crew. Along with the first look clip, Disney also put out the official synopsis for the show on their YouTube channel, which reads:
''ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series Shorts" is an animated short-form series that continues the adventures of fan favorites Zed, Addison and the Seabrook crew from the hit "ZOMBIES" franchise.''
The description further states:
''The shorts, which keep the spirit and jam-packed music of the movies, find the friends encountering new monsters—a carnivorous plant monster, horrifying mega-cricket and even evil clones—while dealing with school and new experiences like a never-ending summer time-loop.''
Apart from that, not many other details about the animated series have been revealed at this point. Based on the first look and the official description, viewers can look forward to a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining animated musical comedy series of shorts with many of their fan-favorite characters returning to reprise their roles from the original film franchise.
The 2018 Zombies flick featured Meg and Milo in the lead roles. It focused on a zombie and a cheerleader who team up to show the world how they can remain united despite their numerous differences. Rotten Tomatoes' description of the film reads:
''A zombie and a cheerleader work together to show the town of Seabrook what they can achieve when they embrace their differences and celebrate what makes them a community.''
More details about ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series cast
Meg Donnelly reprises her role as Addison Wells in the upcoming animated show. Addison is a lively and enthusiastic girl who's the captain of the cheer squad in her school. Her character defines the series in many ways.
Meg Donnelly has been superb in the previous movies and it'll be interesting to see how her performance pans out in the upcoming show. Her other notable acting credits include American Housewife, The Winchesters, The Broken Ones, and many more. Milo Manheim stars alongside her as Zed, whilst others like Trevor Tordjman, Chandler Kinney, and many more essay pivotal supporting roles.
Don't forget to catch ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series on Disney Channel on Friday, July 21, 2023.