Zorro is a newly launched series on Amazon Prime Video that follows the legendary character Diego de la Vega in an all-new avatar. The Spanish series has been directed by Javier Quintas who has previously worked on shows like Money Heist, Sky Rojo, Vive Cantado, and El Principe among others.
Nearly two decades after its last live-action adaptation, Zorro is making a major television return with this show. It is produced by renowned Spanish studio Secuoya Studios.
John Gertz, founder of Zorro Productions Inc. and producer of the films The Mask of Zorro and The Legend of Zorro, is the executive producer of the series. Joining him are Andy Kaplan of KC Global Media, Jesús Torres and Glenda Pacanins at NoStatusQuo Studios, David Martínez, David Cotarelo, Sergio Pizzolante, and Angela Agudo for Secuoya Studios.
Carlos Portela (Velvet Collection) wrote 10 episodes, while Jose Luis Alegría (Toy Boy), and Jorge Saavedra (Mr. Smith and Mrs. Wesson) directed the production along with Quintas.
All episodes of the series premiered on Amazon Prime Video on January 19, 2024.
Zorro Season 1 - How many episodes does the series have?
The series premiered on Amazon Prime Video on January 19, 2024, in the USA and across Latin American countries. The Spanish series will premiere across Spain, Andorra, and Portugal on January 25, 2024.
The first season of the series has a total of 10 episodes, all of which are available for streaming on Prime Video as of now. Anyone with a subscription to Prime Video can stream the series. Currently, a Prime Video membership costs $8.99 per month.
If someone wants to opt for the entire Amazon Prime Membership (including Amazon Music and Shopping too) then it will cost $14.99 per month or $139 per year.
The official synopsis of the 10-episode reimagination of the popular character reads as follows:
"Diego de la Vega returns to California to avenge his father’s murder. After assuming the title of Zorro, he confronts the Governor, the malevolent leader of the Chinese community and a secret society, placing the common good above all."
The 2024 series is a reimagination of the character created by American pulp story writer Johnston McCulley. The titular character is a masked vigilante who defends commoners and indigenous people of the Pueblo of Los Angeles area in California. His signature black cape, hat, and costume are iconic and it can be expected that the Amazon series has done justice to the character.
Zorro Season 1- Cast
The first season of the Spanish series sees actor Miguel Bernardeau (known for Elite, 1899) in the role of Diego de la Vega (who dresses up as a masked vigilante to fight crime). His version of the masked vigilante comes to California to avenge the death of his father, in a bold reinterpretation of the classic.
Renata Notni plays the role of the female protagonist Lolita Marquez, accompanying Diego de la Vega. The ensemble cast list for the Prime Video series includes:
- Rodolfo Sancho
- Dalia Xiuhcoatl
- Paco Tous
- Peter Vives
- Elia Galera
- Andrés Almeida
- Emiliano Zurita
- Chacha Huang
- Joel Bosque
- Francisco Reyes
- Mireia Mambo
- Eva Camacho
- Julien Lacabe
- José Gigar
- Angelo Olivier
- Alejandro Maró
- David Fleta
- Fele Martínez
Catch the latest interpretation of the story of the masked vigilante. Season 1 of the series is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video.