#4 Do not head-hunt

With his highly protective Philly shell, masterful shoulder roll, cat-like reflexes and impeccable balance, Floyd Mayweather has earned the reputation of being a defensive mastermind - especially later on in his career.
As such, even the irrepressible Manny Pacquiao - a whirlwind of an offensive boxer - couldn't put his hands on him in their 2015 fight.
The widely held belief is that if the Pacman couldn't connect cleanly against Floyd, what chance does Conor McGregor have?
And if the Irishman goes head-hunting - which is anatomically speaking the smallest legal target on Floyd's body - he's just going to prove that theory right.
Instead, Conor should be looking to hit any part of Floyd's body that falls within range of his strikes over punching himself out by just trying to knock his head off.
Eventually, if Floyd is sufficiently hurt to the body, openings to the head will appear that McGregor can take advantage of.