There are a lot of things about himself that Floyd Mayweather wants the world to know. He wants the world to know that he's richer than rich can be. He wants the world to know that he's the most successful boxer in the history of the sport. He wants the world to know that he owns fancy things and loves the good things in life.
But, underneath all the glitz and the glamour, the pomp and circumstance, there is a flawed human being who has done a lot of things he is ashamed of and doesn't want the world to know any of them. Given the chance, he would wipe at all away from existence forever and beyond.
Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way and you are remembered for all of your successes and all of your failures. Floyd Mayweather Jr, at the end of the day, is the sum of all of his grand successes and despondent failures. His highs have been numerous and well-remarked upon. Today, we're here for the lows.
So, without any further ado, here is our list of five things about Floyd Mayweather he doesn't want the world to know:
#5 His feuds with various rappers

For all of his success, Floyd Mayweather has never played well with others and that has never been more apparent than with his high-profile feuds and rivalries with some of the biggest names in the world of rap and hip hop.
TI, Rick Ross, and most notably, 50 Cent. The latter has been especially critical of Mayweather relating the story of starting Floyd's company for him when the boxer was sent to jail.
'Fiddy' alleges that he started Mayweather Promotions and even put his own money into it, thinking Floyd would pay him back after getting out of prison, but instead the moment he was released, Mayweather Jr started splashing the cash on luxury items instead.
The two have had high profile Twitter beef in the past stemming from this argument.
#4 Being stripped of the WBO Welterweight Championship

After beating Manny Pacquiao for the WBO Welterweight Championship, Floyd Mayweather was ordered to vacate his two other Junior Middleweight Championships and pay a $200,000 Sanctioning Fee as a part of the WBO rules which doesn't allow for fighters to hold belts in different weight classes.
Mayweather was stripped of the belt by the WBO who issued this statement:
“The WBO world championship committee is allowed no other alternative but to cease to recognize Mr. Floyd Mayweather Jr. as the WBO welterweight champion of the world and vacate his title for failing to comply with our WBO regulations of world championship contests.”
It's not exactly great but he did walk away with $220 million for fighting "The Pacman", so who really cares, right?
#3 Getting sued by jewellery stores

If you take one look at Floyd Mayweather Jr, it's clear that the man loves some bling. He is usually adorned by a number of expensive watches, chains, rings, and what not. It's a part of who he is, just as much as his right hand is. So, how embarrassing is it that he was sued by jewellery stores on two separate occasions.
The first was back in 2005 when a high-end store alleged that he owed them $124,000 for over twenty pieces; bad but not terribly bad. The dispute was settled out of court. The second is much worse.
A store sued Floyd stating that he owed them $1.4 million in 2015 after they stated that he hadn't completed the payment for a $3 million necklace he purchased from them. What a blow this is to the ego of a man who calls himself 'Money'.
#2 Owes $29.4 million in taxes

For all of his grandiose statements about being richer than God, calling himself 'Money' and generally being an extravagant tool with how he displays his wealth, it is perhaps galling to Floyd Mayweather Jr that he is being investigated for unpaid taxes with reports stating that Money owes nearly $30 million in unpaid taxes.
For all of his big words, he is beholden to the taxman and has stated that he cannot pay his taxes until after the Conor McGregor fight. That has got to hurt for a man with as much pride as Floyd Mayweather has.
#1 His criminal charges

Floyd Mayeather Jr is a tough guy. He knows it and the world knows it, so why does he have to try and prove it by attacking people?
He has been charged with battery, assault, and domestic violence in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2010, and 2011 in separate incidents -- and each of them being serious offences of violence, mainly against women.
He even went to jail for over two months due to the 2011 case and it does not bode well for a man of his standing to have been outed as a woman beater. No matter how successful you are in the ring, these are taints you can never wash away.