Sajad Gharibi, also known as the 'The Iranian Hulk', is a popular bodybuilder and Instagram influencer who recently made his boxing debut. This debut came after Gharibi's fight with popular bodybuilder Martyn Ford was canceled, resulting in a match against Djumanov Almat Bakhytovich: 'The Kazakh Titan'.
The bout saw the Kazakhstani toy with the Iranian Hulk for two minutes before effortlessly putting out his lights.
The pair went at it during the Wick N’ Bad card that was recently held in Dubai. The Iranian failed to defend any punches thrown his way by his opponent, and his defense on many occasions simply consisted of turning away from the punches.
The referee had to give the Iranian influencer a time out during the fight due to his inefficacy in dealing with the Kazakh’s onslaught — the poor showing immediately turned the Gharibi into a laughing stock in the online boxing community.
During a short interview after the fight, he said, "I have nothing to say, but I am ashamed and I apologize to the Iranian people."
What happens to the Iranian Hulk now?
While the Iranian Hulk’s in-ring showing likely killed the boxing hype that the social media influencer had generated, there was no comment from his side about his boxing future. Fans, however, are calling for him to hang up his boxing ambition.
Given his first appearance, it is quite apparent that the 30-year-old will not be able to learn the skills required to make it as a successful boxer at this age. Another thing that his 2 minute appearance in the ring made apparent was his awful conditioning. He quickly gassed out in the fight, unable to even put up his arms to defend himself.
If the Iranian wants to have another shot in the ring, he needs to extensively focus on his gas tank. While Gharibi shouldn't necessarily give up on his boxing aspirations, it still seems highly unlikely that he will think of a comeback. The backlash from his first event should ensure that.
If he considers making a comeback against his first intended opponent, Martyn Ford, it is difficult to see a boxing commission sanctioning the fight.
Safe to say: the hype behind the Iranian's boxing ambitions have definitely taken a significant hit following his latest showing.