Legendary boxer Mike Tyson played a cameo role in the recently released Indian movie Liger. The movie revolves around the story of a young adult from India who pursues his dream of becoming an MMA champion. Tyson's cameo in the movie is towards the end when he appears as a fictional character called Mark Henderson.
The film has received widespread criticism for how "slow" it was, with many protesting the casting choice as well. It's safe to say that fans aren't impressed with the movie and are doing their best to make it known.
Interestingly, Mike Tyson has also been on the receiving end of criticism, as fans wonder why he agreed to be a part of such a film.
Take a look at some of the fans' reactions to the film below:
"@MikeTyson Sir why you this did sh*t film we are a huge fan of your but film is Duper flop."
"Audience saying dont stress much for boycottliger ... Such are the movie reviews.."
Mike Tyson slams Hulu for making 'MIKE' again
The legendary boxer has once again slammed the American streaming platform Hulu for making a miniseries about his life titled, 'MIKE'. The reason behind Tyson's disregard for its makers has been the fact that the show was made without his knowledge or consent.
During a recent interview with Newsmax, the former heavyweight champion talked about how Hulu misled the audience to get free advertising. Tyson also spoke about how the makers tried to get the UFC onboard in an attempt to promote the series by stating:
"They lied on a few occasions, telling people it was my show so they could get free advertisements and use somebody's property. They also used the UFC to try to allow them to promote their movie, and Dana [White] said he's not with that at all, they're charlatans, and he didn't want nothing to do with them.”
When asked if he would watch the show, Mike Tyson said:
“I know who I am. I don’t need somebody to show the world who I am.”
Watch the full interview below: