Floyd Mayweather visited Nigeria ahead of his exhibition match against Don Moore on May 14. In his first visit to Africa, the 45-year-old visited the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate Chibuike Amaechi. 'Money' Mayweather was in Nigeria for a press conference for his upcoming exhibition match in Dubai. He met up with Amaechi to talk about setting up a boxing academy in Nigeria.
Here are fans' reactions to Floyd Mayweather meeting the presidential candidate and discussing plans to open a boxing academy in Nigeria:
"It is not pleasure but pressure that births something new. @FloydMayweather knows this even in boxing when fighting for the heavyweight belt. understands how pressure births a project even when the odds are not favourable Men of pressure flock together!"
Take a look at the tweet:
Floyd Mayweather's Nigerian fans were very excited to see him meet Amaechi. Chibuike Amaechi is a very well respected politician in Nigeria, so fans loved the fact that the two met up to discuss investing in Nigeria.
"The qualities Mayweather represents are Energy, Experience and Consistency, those are the same qualities amongst others @ChibuikeAmaechi is bringing to the Table. #Amaechi2023 will happen."
Take a look at the tweet:
It will be interesting to see if Mayweather's plans of building a boxing academy in Nigeria come to fruition.
Floyd Mayweather pays tribute to his grandson and reveals why he's still fighting exhibition fights
'Money' Mayweather is less than a week away from his exhibition match against Don Moore at the Burj Al Arab Helipad on May 14. As he prepared to take on the unbeaten Roger Mayweather prospect, he posted a tribute to his grandson Kentrell Jr. and spoke about why he's still fighting:
"I will continue to do exhibition bouts making tons of money and people from all around the world will continue to pay because my hustle is just different. If Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, and the Waltons continue making money in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s, then I’m not retiring from making money and I’m younger than all of them."
It will be interesting to see till when Mayweather will keep fighting. He is currently 45-years-old and showing no signs of stopping.
Take a look at Mayweather's post: