Mike Tyson Mysteries was an animated TV series released by Adult Swim, an American adult-oriented night-time television channel. The show ran from 2014 to 2020. In the six years running, the show released four seasons and aired 70 episodes, however, the show was officially canceled after its fourth season.
Released in 2014, the show became an instant hit as it featured famous heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson solving mysteries surrounding his fictional adventures. The show aired its last episode on February 16, 2020. Larry Dorf, one of the show's writers, confirmed the cancelation during his appearance on The Modern Moron podcast and said:
"Mike Tyson Mysteries is not a show anymore, it's canceled. It was very fun, it was a funny show, but yeah, it's all done."
Watch the funniest moments of the show below:
Interestingly, it has been nearly two years since the show was canceled and there has been no reason given by Adult Swim for the same. However, fans suspect that it might have been due to reduced viewership and Tyson's busy schedule.
Even though the show was canceled nearly two years ago, thanks to its popularity amongst fans, Adult Swim reruns the episodes on their network every once in a while.
Read here: How much is the Boxing Legend Mike Tyson's Net Worth?
Mike Tyson's issue with Hulu's documentary series 'Mike'
American streaming platform Hulu released a documentary series in August this year called 'Mike', which was based around the life of 'Iron' Mike. While one would assume the makers would've taken his consent before making the show, that wasn't the case at all.
Unlike Tyson's involvement in other shows such as Mike Tyson Mysteries, this wasn't approved by the legendary boxer himself. Moreover, Hulu didn't pay him to use his name as well.
Speaking about the same during an appearance on Newsmax TV, Tyson blasted Hulu for lying and trying to get free advertisements for their show. He said:
"They lied on a few occasions, telling people it was my show so they could get free advertisements and use somebody's property. They also used the UFC to try to allow them to promote their movie, and Dana [White] said he's not with that at all, they're charlatans, and he didn't want nothing to do with them.”
Watch Tyson’s full interview: