#7 Receipt
What it means: Receipt refers to the 'vengeance' gained by a wrestler after another wrestler has done them a wrong. For example, Johnny Gargano defeating Tomasso Ciampa after the latter attacked him post-match could be considered a receipt, as could Steve Austin beating down Brock Lesnar after the Beast stole the Bionic redneck's ATV.
Also known as: Getting your heat back.
Likely origin of the term: In the ego-driven world of sports entertainment, many wrestlers feel as if they need to build their character back up after a sneak attack, insult, or practical joke. For whatever reason, this became known as 'getting your receipt.'
Receipt is a strange term in pro wrestling jargon. It was originally never spoken of outside the backstage area, until the mid-2000s when both announcers and wrestlers began to use it to describe acts of revenge or 'settling the score.'
Former WWE champion Randy Orton has been on the receiving end of many such retributions in the recent past.