#3 Doom

Doom makes it onto this list as one of the few times that a mask actually failed its intended purpose. Their identities were never intended to be known, but wrestling fans quickly recognized Ron Simmons and Butch Reed as the men under the masks.
The idea of masking Doom came about because booker Kevin Sullivan wanted them to be a 'blank slate,' the personified will of their manager Woman (in reality Kevin's wife at the time.) Butch Reed was a veteran performer and well known in the southern promotions, while Ron Simmons had been pushed on Television as a blue chipper for several months before Doom's debut.
The masks didn't work, at all, with Jim Ross admitting that 'their identities are the worst kept secret in all of wrestling' on the air.
Oddly, when they were forced to unmask, they became even more successful, capturing the World Tag Team championships before splitting. Ron Simmons would of course go on to winning the WCW world title from Vader, while the aging Reed retired.