8. AJ Styles

It doesn't matter if he has Soccer Mom hair, or once wrestled a match wearing a turkey suit. AJ Styles is the best performer in WWE today, period end of story.
A rarity in the sports entertainment world, AJ has wrestled for WCW, TNA, New Japan, ROH, PWG, and finally WWE. Considered an innovator who has influenced the ring style of a whole generation of pro wrestlers, AJ is also possessed of a keen sense of timing. He's always where he needs to be in the ring, and rarely makes mistakes.
There was a lot of queries as to whether AJ would be able to thrive in the WWE's more entertainment driven environment. Those questions have been answered, as AJ has become a megastar in WWE. As it turns out, fans appreciate high levels of skill and athleticism, and AJ certainly has those in spades.
Why he might be the top guy: AJ has already been the 'top guy' in a number of promotions, and does so quite well. He's one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE and sells a lot of merchandise, meaning fans are emotionally invested in him. Also, he is the rare breed of wrestler that appeals to fans of all ages and types, from the casual to the nuanced.
Why he might not be the top guy: Really, the only thing holding him back is how far the WWE wants to push him. He's unabashedly the top star on Smackdown, but is he going to be presented as the top guy in the entire company while Roman recovers?