#3. The Rock demolishes Mankind - Royal Rumble 1999

The Rock may be the hero of millions today, and the highest-paid movie star on the planet, but back in 1999, he was one of the most hated heels in all of wrestling.
His arrogant attitude and propensity to refer to himself in the third person didn't endear him to the WWE Universe in those days. When he engaged in a feud with fan favorite Mankind, everyone figured that Rock would eventually go over Mankind to elevate the Samoan star.
However, no one could have anticipated the sheer heights of brutality that would go down between the two men at their I Quit match at Royal Rumble 1999. After handcuffing Mankind, the Rock proceeded to strike him with a steel chair - over and over again.
The unprotected shots horrified Mankind's wife and children, who were watching in the arena. It made Mick Foley reconsider his hardcore wrestling career, and make him more comfortable playing comedy characters for the sake of his health.