#6. Undertaker rattles Lesnar's skull - Unforgiven 2002

The Undertaker is one of the most feared men in the WWE locker room, and rightfully so. Standing at just under seven feet tall, and possessed of incredible athletic ability. Not only that, but he also trains in mixed martial arts.
So you'd think making him upset would be the last thing you'd want to do. But Brock Lesnar in 2002 was cocky, young, and headstrong. He did the unthinkable, and put his hand on Undertaker's pregnant wife's belly. While Brock didn't do anything to physically harm Taker's wife Sara, he enraged the Dead Man to new heights.
What followed was one of the most brutal matches Lesnar has ever been involved in, the highlight of which is Undertaker smashing the Beast with a resounding chair shot that has the back row wincing in sympathy.