#8. Sabu hurls a chair right into Rey Misterio's face - ECW One Night Stand, 2006

In the world of pro wrestling, anyone can pick up a steel chair and start swinging it. However, it takes a rare talent to truly master the art of steel chair combat.
One such master is Sabu, the son of the original Sheik, who often describes himself as 'homicidal, suicidal, genocidal.' Sabu doesn't just swing chairs, he tosses them at his opponents, uses them as a platform to launch himself at his foes - including for his finisher, the triple jump moonsault - and sets them up so he can drop his unwary enemies upon their unforgiving steel frames.
During the short-lived ECW revival in WWE, Sabu faced off against ECW alumni Rey Mysterio Jr. Sabu hurled a chair into Rey's face during the match with such impact, even the jaded ECW audience cringes.