#5 Fallah Bahh and KM

The Team: Fallah Bahh and KM (Kevin Matthews)
Combined Weight: 690 pounds
Hometown: New York City (KM) and Nueva Ecija, Philippines (Bahh)
Wrestling Style: KM: Us standard worker Bahh: Superheavyweight.
Pro wrestling's odd couple, Fallah Bahh and Kevin Matthews (or KM if you're into the whole brevity thing) have been one of the most pleasantly surprising success stories of the beleaguered Impact Wrestling promotion. Despite the fact that they have little in common, or perhaps precisely because of it, the tandem have become one of the more entertaining and popular acts on the sports entertainment stage.
Kevin Matthews is a decent worker, and makes few mistakes, but make no mistake; Fallah Bahh is the star of the duo. His "People's Toe" is one of the most uproariously hilarious moves in pro wrestling today, and his propensity to steamroll his opponents -- The Panda Express -- looks devastating and goofy all at once.