10. "Kane" is a necrophiliac

During a feud with Triple H, it was decided that the masked Kane needed an edge to get the fans on his side. The big red machine had recently crossed the line from heel to babyface, and the crowd wasn't popping for him as readily as WWE would have liked.
There were many different ideas they could have come up with to get Kane over. A title reign, saving another babyface from a beatdown, etc, but what they went with was a necrophilia angle.
Triple H donned Kane's mask and then proceeded to molest the 'corpse' of Kane's high school girlfriend Katie Vick. In reality, Triple H only got hot and bothered over a mannequin, but the angle still managed to offend just about everyone.
It's a black eye that the WWE refuses to acknowledge to this day.
There you have it; ten of the most controversial moments from wrestling history. Please comment and let us know if we forgot a moment you found to be controversial.