3. Goldust uses homophobia to win the Intercontinental Title

When WWE acquired Dustin Runnels's services, they had no intention of capitalizing on his famous father--Dusty Rhodes--and his legendary career.
Instead, Dustin became Goldust, the bizarre one. At first, he was intended to become an Oscar statue come to life, but gradually his character became more controversial. When he entered into a feud with Razor Ramon/Scott Hall, Goldust had swung toward using homophobia to throw his opponents off their game.
Goldust professed his 'love' for Razor Ramon, and even displayed a 'tattoo' with a heart and Razor's name inside it on an episode of Superstars.
The trashy, offensive angle mostly just stirred up homophobia among the audience, and was a waste of two talented wrestlers. WWE announcers pushed the idea that when Goldust finally beat Razor for the IC championship, it was because Ramon was so off his game from all of Goldusts's hijinks.