#9 Pete Dunne

Pete Dunne is so good, the WWE just can't keep him exclusively in the UK. Instead, he has been invited to nearly every show on the WWE network because fans and critics alike can't get enough of the Bruiserweight.
Redefining what it means to be a smaller sized wrestler, Dunne is as tough as they come, and more than willing to brawl or utilize nasty submission holds to wear down his opponent. Though he is quite young and still new to the business, Dunne is light years ahead of many of his peers, hence his inclusion on this list.
#10 AJ Styles

The cover model for WWE's video game franchise has truly exceeded all expectations. When Styles first arrived at the Royal Rumble, many fans were scratching their heads. After all, the rule of thumb for men like AJ Styles--who is on the smaller side for a wrestler--entering the WWE is that they will be used at mid-card level.
However, AJ has put on stellar match after stellar match and has a tight grip on the Smackdown heavyweight title. This is in no small part because AJ is probably the best pro wrestler working today. With surprising power that belies his smaller frame, phenomenal agility and speed, and possibly the best, deepest moveset of any wrestler alive, AJ easily earns his way onto this list.
Ten of the best technical wrestlers working today. Did your favorite not make our list? Please comment and let us know.