Scandal #6: The Big Show punches out a fan in a bar fight.

You'd think that given the average pro wrestler is much bigger and stronger than the average person, no one would want to pick fights with them.
That should be doubly true for men like the Big Show, who stands seven feet tall and weigh upwards of four hundred pounds. Seriously, who in their right mind would want to start a fight with him?
One fan apparently thought he was up to the challenge. During his tenure in WCW, where he wrestled under the name The Giant and was considered Andre's kayfabe son, The Big Show tried to check into a hotel. However, some of the hotel bar patrons started heckling him for being a 'fake' wrestler.
Then a fan took things too far and tried to get physical with Mr. Big Show, which was a Mr. Big Mistake. Wight punched the man out and broke his jaw. Though Wight was arrested and had to go to court, video of the incident exonerated him and kept him out of further legal trouble.
Even though the Big Show used his punch as a finisher only towards the later part of his career, we certainly know that it was already in his arsenal.