#4 Big Daddy Shirley Crabtree

Remember when we said some wrestling legends didn't know a wrist lock from a wristwatch? Well, we were talking about this guy.
Shirley Crabtree was a second generation wrestler, following in the footsteps of his father. Crabtree stood over six and a half feet tall and had a 64-inch chest at the start of his career. However, Crabtree trained less and less over time, preferring to get by on natural ability and reputation.
However, his size also limited the scope of his athletic ability. By the time he became UK hero Big Daddy, he had degenerated into a man who usually just sort of bounced his belly of opponents and utilized forearm smashes.
PWI has often categorized Big Daddy as one of the worst wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots. In spite of this, he was enormously successful, and can aptly be called the UK's Hulk Hogan.
Why he was so successful anyway: The British wrestling scene today is known for smaller athletes with top-notch technical skills, but in Daddy's era this was not the case. Many of the stars who wrestled in Europe were from America or Japan, and the UK really embraced the idea of their own 'homegrown' champion. His interviews weren't great but he had the ability to make fans become emotionally invested in his matches, and became a legend in the process.