6. Who will rise to the top of of ROH?

Let's take a look at some major Impact and WWE stars for a moment. Diehard Eddie Edwards, Moose, Scarlett Bordeaux, Adam Cole, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kyle O'Reilly, Bobby Fish, and Roderick Strong. What do all of these wrestlers have in common?
All of them cut their teeth in the Ring of Honor promotion. It seems like in the modern pro wrestling world, many of the major stars in the big promotions first come through the delightfully non-mainstream Ring of Honor system.
And it's not just limited to Impact and WWE; wrestlers like Adam Page, who works a great deal for New Japan, came up through ROH's developmental process, which takes trained pro wrestlers and makes them even better. Fans will be looking to see who winds up on the top of the heap in ROH...because not only are they the face of the best technical wrestling promotion on the planet, but also because they often go on to even bigger stardom with one of the major promotions.