7. Hulk Hogan's return to WWE

It seems like every time you think Hulk Hogan is down for the count with regards to his wrestling career, he makes another comeback.
This has been going on for decades, ever since he first teased a run to Hollywood and wound up starring in a series of films, starting off with the much maligned but financially successful No Holds Barred.
But Hogan came back, and even recaptured the WWE championship not once, but twice more. Then he semi-retired again, only to pop up in Ted Turner's World Championship Wrestling promotion. Many fans and critics agree that without Hogan WCW would never have challenged and dominated WWE for nearly three years.
After his leaked private tape wound up on Gawker, the Hulkster won a billion dollar settlement, but his reputation was in tatters. Some unsavory things Hogan said in the leaked video have haunted him, and he was even suspended from the WWE's Hall of Fame--though we're not sure what that means, exactly.
Hogan wound up being reinstated and has made several appearances for WWE, mostly taped vignettes though he did appear live at Crown Jewel. Fans are wondering when they will see Hogan return to the WWE and in what capacity.