#8. Miss Jacqueline
In addition to Beth Phoenix, another woman who was way, way ahead of her time was Miss Texas, who became Miss Jacqueline when she joined the WWE.
The former Southwestern women's wrestling star finally made it to the big leagues, the WWE, at a time when women's wrestling was largely filler or used to titillate the overwhelmingly male audience of the era. Nonetheless, she would go on to have a reasonably memorable career, winning the Divas championship and being a prominent part of WWE Television. She was also the only woman tough enough to be a part of the APA stable.
Towards the end of Jackie's WWE career, they would wind up having her answer Chavo Guerrero's open challenge for the cruiserweight title. Jackie actually defeated Chavo and became the first woman to hold the celebrated belt.
The cruiser weight division was a celebrated setup in the WWE owing to its action-packed sequences and Jackie winning the belt just brought in another dimension that was not previously explored.