The Real A-Lister

He might have disassociated himself (not completely) from WWE a long time ago, but The Rock for all the talk of him as the Dwayne Johnson will always be The Rock. Johnson the biggest Hollywood star today and a future presidential candidate can't hide from his past, even if he wanted to.
The beautiful thing about the great one is that he doesn't. The Rock fully embraces the love he has for the business utilizing it to spread the signal to the world at large. It is why Rock can still return and bring a mass of fans, with some sticking on for the new generation.
Rock has done enough for the business and even now with his outside pursuits, he does the same. He's an A-Lister who isn't really in the WWE, but it remains in him through and through; one can see this. You just wish fans of the business would give him that credit, that the Rock will finally always come back home.