#6 ACH

It seemed that ACH was destined to head to WWE a few months ago. Some reports suggested it was a done deal since he was done with ROH. He had been competing in NJPW and other independent promotions, so perhaps he is finishing up obligations.
One thing is for sure - wherever he decides to go will have acquired a talented wrestler. His athleticism rivals that of Apollo Crews and Seth Rollins but in a slightly smaller package.
Perhaps he would be shoehorned into the Cruiserweight division if signed by WWE. That might be a factor in his decision to sign elsewhere.
Like the members of SCU, the Young Bucks have crossed paths with ACH in ROH, so it's not like they'd be getting into bed with a completely unknown superstar. His high-flying style mixed with bits of technical wrestling would also mesh well with the Young Bucks style.
A lot depends on what type of wrestling the Elite will try to showcase in their new promotion, but if All In is any indication, ACH would fit in perfectly.