#3: He did it for the Rock, people

At WWE Survivor Series 1999, one of the most heinous acts ever performed in WWE history occurred. An unknown assailant ran over Stone Cold Steve Austin with a car, busting through a security gate to do so.
In one of the longest and most extended mysteries in wrestling history, the prevailing question was who ran down Stone Cold? In reality, Austin needed time for neck surgery and the recovery, and sharp-eyed fans noted that it was a stunt double that did a controlled tumble off the windshield of the vehicle.
But this is pro wrestling, and reality is trumped by drama. Austin was gone for almost a year, and when he returned he investigated his own assault in his own particular idiom: By beating up and stunning suspects.
This caused consternation for Mick Foley, who was in a managerial role at the time. He begged Austin to stop beating up suspects while he investigated the incident. Over time, Foley uncovered clues. It was a blonde man driving the car, and the seat was set back for a large person to drive.
Fans speculated that it would turn out to be Billy Gunn or Triple H, both of whom fit the bill. But they were shocked when Foley named Rikishi as the culprit. The dancing, beloved babyface instantly became a heel, and his admission of guilt is part of wrestling history.
Rikishi claimed the he did it for the Rock and would not mind doing it again.
The Rock, in one of his most famous promos, took a pot shot at Rikishi's confession and mimicked the Samoan to good effect.