#6: The Nexus destroys Raw

NXT, in its early inception, was meant to be a hybrid reality show/wrestling program. The rookies in its inaugural season included men like Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan.
Eventually, the program ended with Wade Barrett emerging as the winner. Barrett was guaranteed a title shot opportunity in the future and signed to the Raw roster.
But Barrett didn't come alone. During a match between John Cena and CM Punk, he came out to the ring along with the entire cast of NXT, all of them wearing ominous black and yellow armbands.
The newly dubbed Nexus proceeded to demolish the main event talent, and also took out their aggression on non-wrestlers at ringside. The shocking moment took fans totally by surprise and became the most talked-about angle of the year.
What started off as a terrific angle found itself in steep decline owing to how badly the creative team had booked it, eventually fizzling out right when it was expected to gain traction.
It's odd to note that of the Nexus only Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett are still signed to the company.