3 of the best finishing moves in wrestling and 3 of the worst

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Best: Steiner Screwdriver

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Used by: Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner debuted this horrific looking move when he was still tagging with brother Ric, long before his "big Poppa Pump Days."

Steiner was much leaner, quicker, and more athletic in those days. He used a number of moves that were largely unknown to the American wrestling fans, like the hurricanrana--which his brother dubbed the "FrankenSteiner."

He also deployed this devastating finisher upon occasion, usually destroying some enhancement talent during a squash match. The Steiner Screwdriver begins like a suplex but then ends with dropping straight down onto the mat, driving the opponent head first.

These days, you rarely see Steiner utilize this move. Back surgery forced him to abandon much of his original repertoire, and he changed to a more brawling heel style to go with his new Big Poppa Pump gimmick.

Strengths: Fantastically graphic and brutal looking

Weaknesses: Very dangerous move to perform, and takes a long time to set up.


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Edited by Nishant Jayaram
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