Worst: Garvin Stomp

Used By: Rugged Man with the Hands of Stone Ronnie Garvin, Apex Predator Randy Orton, Godzilla.
This 'finisher' involves slowly walking around a downed opponent, repeatedly stomping on their vulnerable body parts, from legs to body to head and arms. If you're wondering why it's called the Garvin Stomp, it's because it was invented by Rugged Ronnie Garvin.
Ronnie Garvin who, you may ask? Well, Ronnie is a former NWA world heavyweight champion, but he somehow escaped being famous or well known like Ric Flair or Dusty Rhodes. Rather, Ronnie Garvin is considered the second worst NWA champion in history, right after Wildfire Tommy Rich.
Garvin wasn't much of a technical wrestler, nor was he particularly swift or agile. Mostly he just clubbed his opponents about. His finisher was to stomp on every part of his opponent's body one by one. Most likely no one would even remember the Garvin Stomp if Randy Orton had not inexplicably brought it out of the attic and onto international television. Thanks, Randy.
Strengths: None. There's nothing good about this move other than the fact that it is simple to perform.
Weaknesses: The extended time spent walking around and stomping stretches the suspension of disbelief with the audience to the utmost. It's just a draggy, unimpressive looking move.