Worst: Pump handle Slam

Used by: Road Dog Jessie James, Wrath, Austin Aries
At the end of the day, the pump handle slam just looks awkward and unwieldy. It also involves some very uncomfortable positioning of the limbs through an opponent's legs, and the lifting has to be done smoothly or injury could result.
The Pump handle slam is a variant on a traditional body slam but adds extra steps. In other words, it complicates a simple but impressive looking move and winds up with less impact overall.
These facts haven't deterred numerous wrestlers from trying to use the move, however. Road Dog Jessie James utilized it to great effect as one of the New Age Outlaws, though it often failed to give him the win in his singles career.
A lot of indie stars, including Austin Aries, try to use this move as well, to show off their strength.
Strengths: The Pump handle slam results in a safe bump for the opponent, and is an easy move to consistently perform.
Weaknesses: The pump handle slam takes a long time to set up, looks horribly awkward, and results in a relatively tame bump.
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