#2 He's an Inside Man with No Stakes

History knows that wrestling companies have often failed when the performers had too much pull with the management especially if it were a friendly ear of the top brass.
History is also aware that booking yourself favourably as a wrestler of a promotion you have a stake in, never goes well. Yet history knows that it is important to have the men and women represent your company be absolutely trustworthy and beside you for 365 days a year.
For AEW no man embodies this than Adam Page, before WWE came knocking on the doors of Omega, Cody and Young Bucks last year, they came to Page.
In a hilarious skit on Being the ELITE, it was obvious WWE had interested in the now new and improved Hangman, someone who could definitely thrive in Vince McMahon's WWE. Page rejected the offer, he stuck by his friends and has done so time and again.
Yet Page isn't part of the day-to-day running of AEW, making that the smartest masterstroke pulled by the ELITE.
Cody is possibly over enough to get away with headlining his own company but he and the Bucks are smart to know that doing so could eventually generate apathy and sink their newly christened ship before it even takes to the seas.
In Adam Page they have the perfect substitute or even more than that. As a performer, he has all the skills and while he isn't Kenny Omega, that could work in their favor even better.
To book Omega in their own company might prove become a task, considering their friendship (not to say Omega wouldn't do what's best for business) but it is a tough emotional ask.
So is booking Page, but the growing star knows his place and giving him the opportunity would strike just the right balance between favoritism and faith. You can bet the ELITE can put oodles of faith on the Hangman, plus it's not like he doesn't come with his own perks.