Kayfabe is dead: You can Google vids on how to perform wrestling.

At one time, you couldn't turn on the television without seeing one sort of magician or another. Men like Doug Henning and David Copperfield became vastly popular and financially wealthy.
This led to a 'golden age' of magicians, in which massive stunts were pulled off. David Copperfield once made the entire Statue of Liberty disappear on a live broadcast to millions of viewers.
What does this have to do with wrestling? Well, magic isn't nearly as big as it used to be because the secrets have been spilled. Television shows, internet podcasts, and even straight up instructional videos ruined the mystique of magic.
The same thing happened to pro wrestling. You can find hundreds, if not thousands, of videos on the internet that will 'teach' you how to be a pro wrestler. The mystique is gone, the secrets have been told, and fans still tune in for the entertainment factor rather than the idea that what they are watching is somehow 'real.'