Kayfabe is dead: The Rock is seen as an actor first and athlete second.

Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson will end 2018 as the highest paid male actor in the world today. His bonafide movie star status carries summer blockbusters and family comedies alike on his broad shoulders.
According to most people who have worked with him, The Rock is a real pleasure to act with--unless you're Vin Diesel, of course. His laid back attitude and goofy persona help to endear him to his co-stars.
One thing the Rock's co-stars are NOT worried about is him snapping, hitting them with a Rock Bottom and then putting them through a folding table. This is because they are fully aware of wrestling's performative status.
At this point, there are a lot of fans of Dwayne Johnson who have never seen a wrestling match in their lives. The Rock is seen as an actor first because people already know he was just acting during his wrestling days.