5 Reasons pushing Roman Reigns is a mistake, and 5 that it's best for business


Roman Reigns!


Just his name alone probably conjures up strong emotions. If you're a Roman Reigns fan, you probably felt some pride mixed with frustration that so many other fans seem to despise him. If you're one of his detractors, bile may have risen in the back of your throat and you may have sent off some angry 'FIRE ROMAN NOW!!!' tweets.

In either case, he is one of the most talked about wrestlers on the planet right now. And with the WWE's new TV deal with Fox Sports, he will soon be broadcast into millions of homes, many of whom might be seeing him for the first time.


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So, at this critical juncture in WWE's expansion, we must ask the question; Is pushing Roman Reigns as the top babyface a mistake, or is it good for business? Here are five reasons it's a bad decision, and five it might be a good one.

Mistake: He is failing as the "Hogan-esque" super good guy


There are many parallels between Roman Reigns and Hulk Hogan. For one, they are both larger than average wrestlers, but still lack the massive size of Andre the Giant or Braun Strowman.


For another, they are both the hand-picked avatar of their respective eras, but there is one key difference; While Hulk Hogan received wall to wall cheers and universal support from the wrestling audience (at least in WWE) Reigns seems to get at least as much hate as love, if not a lot more.

For whatever reason, the fans are rejecting Roman Reigns as the 'superhero' who always manages to beat the bad guy. Pushing him like he has Hogan or Rock level popularity just falls miserably flat.


Good for Business: Roman has the 'look'


Roman Reigns has a physique that looks like it was sculpted out of marble in Ancient Greece. His flowing locks and handsome features make an instant impact, especially for female viewers, who are making up a larger and larger portion of the wrestling audience.


It's just like the era of the Rock and Roll Express in the 1980s; Good looking guys bring the women to the arenas, and they take their boyfriends and husbands with them.

Mistake: His moveset is lacking


Fifteen years ago in the attitude era, The Rock utilized mostly punches and kicks for his offence. The Samoan Drop, Rock Bottom, and People's Elbow were about it, with the odd suplex thrown in here or there.


That worked in the Attitude Era, but like most forms of entertainment, wrestling has evolved. Men like AJ Styles, Ricochet, and the Young Bucks constantly push the envelope and their bodies, raising the bar for everyone else.

Roman Reign's moveset would be fine if he were a low to mid-carder, but as a main event talent, he needs to up his game.

Good for Business: Roman has plenty of fans


Yes, a lot of very vocal fans don't care for Roman....but then again, a lot of fans love him.


Despite the hate, he receives a good portion of cheers as well. While he may not enjoy Rock like popularity, he isn't universally despised as his haters would have you believe.

Mistake: Roman is a dud on the microphone


This may not be about Roman, so much as the WWE creative team and those who write his promos and interviews.


The fact is, he comes across as bland, repeating pro wrestling cliches from twenty years ago with a delivery that is far from smooth. Perhaps if the writers let him speak his own mind more, and play a characterless, his mike work might improve but right now he's not on a level a world champion wrestler should be.

Good for Business: Roman sells lots of merchandise


Despite the many criticisms levied his way--many of them legitimate--Roman Reigns is a financial success story for WWE, if for no other reason than he moves a lot of merchandise.


Just like Mel Brooks said in Spaceballs, merchandising is where the REAL money is made. Roman Reigns T-shirts . Roman Reigns coffee mugs. Roman Reigns stuffed plushy toys. All of these items exist, and they all sell.

Mistake: Fans are tired of slow, plodding power wrestlers


Johnny Gargano vs. Tomasso Ciampa. Velveteen Dream vs. Ricochet. AJ Styles vs. Nakamura.


The most highly rated matches in WWE these days are between smaller, faster wrestlers who can put on dazzling displays. Roman Reigns is a throwback to when wrestlers were much larger, slower, and methodical. Wrestling has moved on, and it's time the WWE did as well.

Good for Business: He's a person of color


Black Panther was one of the highest grossing movies of all time. Compared with the flop Batman vs. Superman, which was headlined by two white actors, it is a massive success story not only financially but with regards to how society perceives its heroes.


For the longest time, the hero was predominantly white, but that is changing. Roman Reigns represents the Samoan people and does so quite well. With fandom tiring of 'lame white guys' it's nice to see a person of colour in such a prominent role.

Mistake: "This is Awful!" 'Nuff said


There have been world champion class wrestlers who haven't clicked before, such as Wildfire Tommy Rich and Ultimate Warrior, but the wrestling promoters were wise enough to get those men out of the title picture when they faltered.


When a huge arena of fans is chanting 'this is awful' during the main event of the biggest wrestling show in the world, then you have a huge problem. The top guy in the company should NOT be getting such a reception.

Good for business: There's no one else to take his place


At the end of the day, there's no one else to take Roman's place as the top guy.


Lesnar is a part-timer and headed back to the UFC. Seth Rollins plays better to the mid-card. Men like Jason Jordan and Drew McIntyre need more time before they will be ready to be main event talent.

WWE pushes Roman because he's their best option at the moment, and that's likely the way it will stay for some time.

There you have it; Five reasons pushing Roman Reigns as WWE's top guy is a mistake and five reasons that it's actually good for business. What's your opinion? Please comment and let us know.


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Edited by Shruti Sadbhav
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