#2 TV Deals

No matter how great your product is, if you do not have distribution, odds are that it will fail. Without naming names, there are wrestling companies all over the world with a great weekly show inclusive of incredible talent, yet they can only be watched on cable networks that the majority of people do not know about let alone have.
All Elite Wrestling came out of the gate with not just an impressive American television deal via Turner network TNT, but also an impressive partner in the U.K.'s ITV 4; if presented statistics are to be believed, AEW's TV distribution will be better in the U.K. out of the gate than that of WWE. Furthermore, AEW already has a partnership in place with FITE TV, increasing its Internet-based distribution.
Those partners — paired with the company's already-Internet-savvy team, which initially found a fanbase via the Being The Elite web-series — ensure that the proper distribution is in place to get AEW seen not only by wrestling fans, but also people not regularly (or currently) watching wrestling. It will be interesting to see which additional partners come to the table for AEW's distribution in other major territories where wrestling remains popular and mainstream.