#2 He hates doing 'hokey' things

The WWE is the home to some of the greatest pro wrestling moments in history. After all, who can forget that triumphant moment when Hulk Hogan body slammed Andre the Giant at Wrestlemania III? Or when Ric Flair went the distance and lasted all the way through the Royal Rumble, capturing the WWE title in the process?
Unfortunately, the WWE is also home to some memories that are not so great, such as Mexican wrestling veteran star Hector Guerrero being forced to don a giant turkey suit and 'hatch' out of an egg at Survivor Series. Or perhaps you recall when the WWE had 2008 Democratic presidential nominees Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama fight in effigy?
We've already established that Dean Ambrose is an old school wrestler in terms of mentality. It has been reported that he hates doing things he considers 'hokey,' which would have to include the time WWE made him dress like the Mountie.