#3 His main event push was brief and unsatisfying

Back in 2016, a curious phenomenon occurred in the WWE. After the Shield split apart, Roman Reigns was placed in the main event spot as the 'top guy' on RAW. He was used in promotional materials, booked at major arena shows, and used to drive up ticket sales.
However, what happened was events main evented by Dean Ambrose were pulling in just as much if not more money than those being topped by Roman Reigns. The WWE decided to put the WWE World title on Dean Ambrose for this very reason.
However, it was a bad time to be made a champion, because he had so few credible challengers. Dean Ambrose's reign as WWE World Champion is considered a disappointment to many, mostly because of a lack of good opponents available and the fact that Dean wasn't booked as the outlaw hell raiser he should have been. What should have been the second coming of a Stone Coldesque anti-hero was instead something that many people have already forgotten. The fact that his main event push fizzled out has to rankle Ambrose.