#4: Diversity

If you are a fan of WWE, then that's great. But a lot of fans of WWE are fans of professional wrestling as a whole, like me and possibly you.
A lot of promotions that are currently in existence were created to be alternatives to WWE. Among the other promotions wrestling fans may follow in addition to WWE include Ring of Honor, NJPW, Major League Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Guerilla, Rev Pro Wrestling, AAA, CMLL and hundreds of other promotions worldwide.
While CMLL, NJPW and AAA have been around just as long as and sometimes longer than WWE, wrestling has always been a worldwide sport.
There's also Lucha Underground, which tapes a whole season at once but has its own storytelling devices where characters can actually 'die'.
If you are a fan of character development, you can watch ROH, WWE, LU or Impact Wrestling. More of a fan of just the wrestling? Then AAA, CMLL or various promotions like NJPW are perfect for your tastes.
There are also several promotions just for female wrestlers, like WOW, Shine, Shimmer, WSU and Stardom.
While a lot of fans/people hate on WWE for 'monopolizing' the business in many ways, if the huge company didn't exist, the need to create alternatives to it wouldn't have sprung up practically every other wrestling promotion.