#3 Stipulation Matches

While only 2/10 matches on the All Out card were stipulation bouts, they were arguably the two best matches on the show, and if you like seeing car crash style wrestling, this was the show for you. The Triple Threat between Joey Janela, Jimmy Havoc and Darby Allin was absolutely insane, with all 3 men doing anything they can to win, including a breathtaking Coffin Drop from Allin.
It was Jimmy Havoc to come out on top (another great call), but it was exactly what you'd expect from those 3, and if hardcore wrestling is your style, that was a classic. The other was the Escalara De La Meurte for the AAA Tag Team Championships, in what was the most high-risk ladder match in wrestling history.
From a Canadian Destroyer from a ladder through a table to Nick Jackson almost killing himself on a fall, this was one death-defying spot after another, and while it could have been called a spot fest, it was exactly what we expected, and it delivered in spades.