5. Different from World Championship Wrestling: The wrestling marketplace itself.

In this article, we have covered many ways in which All Elite Wrestling is both similar and dissimilar to the old World Championship Wrestling promotion. But one key difference lies not with the fledgling promotion itself, but the marketplace it is preparing to enter.
Wrestling has changed a great deal in the past decade alone. Wrestling fans often follow their favorite stars seven days a week via social media. This has led to a great deal more 'smart' fans and podcasts that openly discuss non-kayfabe issues with the wrestling business.
Also, the way that wrestling is consumed has changed. At one time, All Elite Wrestling would absolutely, positively HAVE to get a network or cable channel deal in order to exist. Internet streaming has changed that variable greatly. With appointment based television fading out in favor of on demand entertainment, All Elite Wrestling has a much different market to work with--and much more opportunities than WCW had when they first began operation.
There you have it; Five ways in which AEW is quite similar to WCW, and five ways it is uniquely different. Questions or comments? Please leave them after the article, and thanks for reading!