2. Different from World Championship Wrestling: Female wrestling talent.

One thing that WCW never handled very well was their women's division. In fact, they didn't even have one when they lured WWE women's champion Allundra Blayze (AKA Madusa) and she threw her old title belt in the trash.
Perhaps that was prophetic of the fate of women's wrestling in WCW. Many of the matches they did put on either featured women who were not full time wrestlers, or pitted Madusa against Malia Hosaka...seriously, go check out the archival footage, it happened more than you think.
But it's a new era, and women's wrestling has become fundamental to WWE's business model, and even long holdout Ring of Honor has added a women's division. All Elite Wrestling is set to not only build a strong division for the ladies, but has promised to PAY them equal to men. This is almost unheard of in the wrestling industry, where the pay scales between men and women stars can vary as much as 1000%. It definitely sets AEW apart from WCW.