3. Different than World Championship Wrestling: Relatively young executives.

A big complaint about World Championship Wrestling during the Monday Night War was that they had little idea of what young people actually wanted to view, follow, and consume.
For example, a great deal of time, money, and special effects were put into the debut and career of a wrestler named Glacier, who was 'inspired' by Mortal Kombat's Sub Zero character. And by inspired, we mean so blatant a rip off it's a wonder Midway, who produced the MK series back in the day, didn't sue for trademark infringement.
However, the WWE seemed much better at reading what young people were into, which helped them win the Monday Night War. Part of WCW's problem was that so many of the executives in charge of the program were middle-aged to elderly men.
But in AEW, the people in charge of the promotion are all relatively young. They will have a much better chance of connecting with their audience and putting on shows that will entertain them.