#1 Orange Cassidy

Orange Cassidy has been dividing wrestling fans for a while, so when AEW decided to take a shot with him, it was met with mixed reactions online, but it doesn't seem that way on Dynamite. Whenever 'Freshly Squeezed' turns up on screen, the All Elite Wrestling crowd in attendance pops huge, and while they've been playing it slow with him so far, 2020 is a big chance for them to ramp it up with Cassidy.
Again, not everyone will approve of this because of the unique gimmick, but Cassidy has a fantastic connection with the crowd, and whether it's alongside Best Friends or alone, this many has money written all over him. We've only seen Orange in one match (pinfall match, as he's been in both Battle Royal's) in AEW, but he's shown up several other times, but if they can harness how unique and entertaining this gimmick is, they could have a major star on their hands.