#5 Willie Mack

The current NWA National Heavyweight Champion, Willie Mack has been using the Stone Cold Stunner as his finisher for some time now. A former champion in Lucha Underground, Mack has been turning heads for some time with his unique look and move set. Mack is a seasoned competitor, having also wrestled in PWG and Impact and having had matches with the likes of Samoa Joe, X-Pac and even Jake Roberts over the years.
Mack also uses a variation called the Running Stunner - it does not involve the kick to the gut with which Austin sets up the Stunner and Mack shoots off the rope to deliver the stunner. While he normally delivers the normal Stunner, the variation makes it even more appealing.
Mack was once signed to a developmental deal with the WWE and it can be safely assumed that had he remained there, he would not have used the Stunner as his finisher.