#1 Dean Ambrose

Last but definitely not least on the list, comes none other than The Moral Compass of WWE himself, Dean Ambrose.
This week has been huge for Dean Ambrose already as it was reported that he had handed in his notice to leave the company. But now WWE has confirmed that he would be leaving after WrestleMania.
The rumours state that Ambrose is frustrated with his spot in the WWE, as he clearly hasn't been happy with the way that he has been booked. Ambrose also reportedly rejected a huge pay-rise which means that he may be serious about leaving.
Ambrose is another superstar that has a big passion for the WWE, and if you've watched him during his independent days, then you will know that his character just isn't the same as it was before.
The Lunatic Fringe doesn't have the same freedom that he used to, which has resulted in lacklustre promos.
If Ambrose ever joined AEW, he would without a shadow of a doubt be the biggest face of the new company. But most importantly, he would be allowed the opportunity to shine the brightest as he does whilst being Jon Moxley.
Do you agree with any of these potential choices? If not, who do you think will jump ship from WWE to join AEW? Drop your thoughts on the comment section below!