#6 David Arquette
The man: David Arquette
The Time: April 25, 2000
The title: "Big Gold," the WCW World Heavyweight championship.
To understand exactly why David Arquette won the WCW World Championship in 2000 requires a bit of a history lesson.
After dominating the ratings war for years against Monday Night Raw, Nitro had slid solidly to second place. No matter what WCW did, they just couldn't get the ratings back as high as they had once been. In order to increase WCW's platform and gain new fans, Eric Bischoff decided to make a 'WCW movie.' That movie was Ready to Rumble, and it starred a hot (at the time) actor who happened to be named David Arquette.
So when Arquette won the WCW World title, it was essentially the world's most unique movie promotion stunt. He would lose the title in the blink of an eye
Why he wasn't a memorable champion: David Arquette was a Hollywood actor, not particularly athletic, and his goofy character seemed at odds with the prestigious title he held. Fans knew it was a publicity stunt and responded with derision. Ironically, Arquette has been of late trying to improve his image with the wrestling community and has wrestled some independent matches.
There you have it; Seven unworthy champions. Questions or comments? Please leave them below the article and as always thanks for reading!