#4 Continuing the Nikki Cross push

Whenever a fan or critic praised NXT, they often mentioned one woman's name.
No, not Asuka, who has been on the main roster for years. Rather, we are referring to Nikki Cross. The Scottish-born wrestler has a unique personality and charisma all her own and fought Asuka to a standstill in WWE's first Last Woman Standing match.
Cross was so tough she was the only female member of the Sanity stable. Fans were puzzled when she was not brought up to the main roster along with the rest of her companions, but eventually, she did debut. She has been in a storyline with Alexa Bliss where Cross does not know that the Evil Queen is using and manipulating her.
Along the way, Cross has picked up wins over major stars, including WWE SmackDown women's champion Bayley and former champion Carmella. These have been clean wins in both cases, meaning Cross's star is on the rise.
Everyone knows that sooner or later Cross will figure out that Bliss is using her. When it finally does happen, look for Cross to go over huge and enter the title picture.