#5 The best use of Maria and Mike Kanellis yet

Of all the odd signings WWE has made in recent years, Mike Kanellis in WWE was at the top of the list.
Mike is a decent in-ring performer, but he's on the cusp between cruiser and heavyweight class. Lacking the size of a heavyweight or the flying ability of a cruiserweight, he has been seen on 205 Live which may not be the best place for his talents.
But on Heyman's first night as creative director, Mike and Maria were utilized brilliantly to continue the angle pitting Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch against Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans. Maria seems to be a villain now, oppressing her husband during the segment on Raw.
Using every bit of the roster is key to keeping a wrestling show going, and Heyman has proven he can even utilize talent many had written off long ago.